lundi 25 mars 2024

Courbevoie City becomes a world leader in the fight against food waste thanks to Arash Derambarsh

Courbevoie est devenue un leader mondial dans la lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire. En seulement 4années, plus de 400.000 repas ont été sauvés et distribués aux associationscaritatives.

« Approximately 16% of people in France suffer from food insecurity (according to the 2022 survey conducted by CREDOC, the Research

Centre for the Study and Observation of Living Conditions), and Courbevoie Town Council has therefore decided to address the issue with strength and conviction.

The local community is keen to come together to tackle food insecurity.

In 2023, it is inconceivable to waste food when so many people are suffering and dying of hunger.

In 2020, we took action to reduce food waste in our community and voted to introduce several commitment charters to encourage local supermarkets, hospitals and school canteens to join our endeavour. The success of our relentless combined efforts, led by myself and my deputy, Arash Derambarsh, is reflected by the fact

that in just two years (between 2021 and 2022),

approximately 250,000 meals that would otherwise

have been thrown away were distributed in Courbevoie.

We have gained the support of both charities and public and private businesses in our pioneering endeavour.

I encourage each and every one of you to commit to this immense undertaking to reduce food waste

in the interests of our community ».

Jacques Kossowski (Mayor of Courbevoie City)

Copyright : Alexandre Abidzadeh (Phenix Films)

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